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The Predator

Where Do You Go to Spend Your Favorite Holidays?

Christmas is one of the most beloved holidays, with fun activities to enjoy and amazing places to go. But where and when did this tradition start? The celebration of Christmas originated in Rome about 336 B.C but was not a major Christian festival until the 9 centuries. Some traditions can range from a small feast with family; however, families have big celebrations like going to light festivals and hangouts. As we know people can celebrate other traditions and religions. So how do you Landrum Lions celebrate Christmas?

Tardu is from Turkey and loves to visit during the holidays. He also enjoys hanging out with his cousin and brothers in Turkey. Tardu has three siblings, and they all like to play outside with their friends. As we know Turkey can have a lot of different events and cultures, for Tardu it is Ramadan. His tradition celebrates a god, and it does not allow people to eat during the day for 30 days (about 4 and a half weeks), unique right? Tardu is very appreciative of his culture and religion, and all his family supporting him at school and the classroom. “I hope this tradition can be shared around the world because it stands for a lot of people in Turkey,” said Tardu.

Troy Nutt is from Florida and loves to visit family in North Carolina for the holidays. He has one sibling named Cooper Nutt. Troy’s mom, dad, and brother Cooper, lived together in North Carolina before he was born, that is why he loves to go there. He has a huge feast and has all kinds of meals to celebrate. He loves to play football and enjoy the beautiful beaches and parks. A unique fact about Troy is that he plays baseball, and dreams of being in the MLB (Major League Baseball) for the Dodger’s. “I dream to be the greatest of all time,” said Troy.

Vincent Basile was born and raised in Florida, which is where he lives now. He has five siblings ranging from seven to twenty-six years old. All their friends and family head to their house and they all have a big feast while chatting away. He says, “We usually have sea food or turkey.” This is a family tradition that he celebrates every year at Christmas time. Another tradition is to wear matching pajamas. His favorite part of the celebration is going, “Hiking on Christmas day,” says Vincent.

Dhruva Gadiparthi is from a small part of India and celebrates the Hindu religion. Some key events of Hinduism are setting lanterns and candle for the 33 Hindu gods. This event of Hinduism is called Diwali and takes place on the 12th of November, also known as the festival of lights. People including Dhruva have a large feast with a lot of family members. Some unique actions are chanting for the coming of a god, that comes out of a fight.

As you can see many people that have diverse backgrounds, religions and events to celebrate their favorite time of the year.




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