December 9 - Junior Thespians are Superior and Excellent at Regional Competition!
The Predator

Volleyball Throwdown

It’s the final set of the game, Landrum is winning 24 to 12. They need 1 more points to win. Landrum is serving. The crowd is cheering and screaming, “LMS! LMS!” Landrum scores the last point to win the championship.

This was just one of the many championships Landrum Girls Volleyball has won over the six years. Landrum girls’ volleyball consist of fourteen players and five developmental players. This winning tradition has been going on since 2013. “We are definitely going to win this year because of ability to work together” said Caiden Oliva. Caiden Oliva is a returning player. She has been on the volleyball team since sixth grade.

Landrum Girls Volleyball has been a sport here for over twenty years. “I have been coaching the volleyball team for eleven years” said Mrs. Jansen a teacher in language arts for sixth grade. Mrs. Jansen played volleyball for most of her life. Mrs. Jansen played volleyball for her high school and college. Every year, seventy to eighty girls try out. Mrs. Jansen has to pick fourteen to play and two or more developmental. “It’s very hard to choose only fourteen girls because there is a lot of experienced and skilled girls who tryout,” said Mrs. Jansen.

Lauren Owen is one of the five developmental players on the team. “Developmental is basically the practice squad. They practice with the team but they don’t play” said Lauren Owen. Some things that the developmental girls can do at home games are, line judge, the book and score board. “Developmental is a great level to try out for if you want to start learning volleyball. You practice with the team and learn how to play along the way,” said Lauren Owen.

Landrum Girls Volleyball team completed another great season and are so proud to keep the trophy at Landrum. They can’t wait for next year’s season to start.

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