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Student’s Anime Interests


What is the first anime you have watched?  Fans of anime vary between who you are and what you like, so first animes differ a lot. Betti Lommen, a seventh-grade student at Landrum Middle School started watching anime not so long ago, and now enjoys watching it in her free time. “The first ever anime I watched was My Hero Academia,” said Betti. What is your favorite anime? According to google the number one anime series of all time is Death note. But when we interviewed some people, they had different interests. Take Kyla Akers, another seventh grader at Landrum Middle School “My favorite anime of all time is most definitely Haikyuu because it’s about volleyball and has a lot of action. The anime series has also influenced me to play volleyball, and I enjoy it a lot!” said Kyla.

What anime was the biggest anime letdown for you? Although anime’s are enjoyable for most, there can be some disappointing ones as well. According to Kyla, “The anime that was the biggest letdown for me was Death Note, because one of my favorite characters died and the anime just got really boring after that,” she said. Well, it looks like google was incorrect about Death note being one of the best animes. Now, what is your favorite genre of anime? There are many different people and since they are unalike, their likes are dissimilar. It depends on whether you prefer comedy and adventure or something scary instead. Betti, for example, said, “If I had to choose, I think I would prefer drama and action.” A lot of people prefer comedy, but it matters depending on the type of person they are.

Do you know any anime spoilers? Many people, online and in person, try to find spoilers whenever they can. They enjoy finding hints in animes and trying to show their theories to others in attempt to convince them that what they say is true. Although sometimes it is not true, it is always fun to try to connect the dots. “I have recently been seeing videos about who the traitor of My Hero Academia is, and it is the person I least suspected,” said Kyla. This proves how shocking anime spoilers are and that they are sometimes true! What was the most shocking spoiler? There are many spoilers, but some are definitely more shocking than others. For example, in Tokyo Goul, a popular anime. “The main character actually turns into a villain!” said Betti, and in pure shock too. Spoilers are not meant for everyone of course, but it is always fun to skip a few chapters.

In conclusion, anime is a fine thing to watch if you are bored. It can match your personality and you will find yourself wanting to find every little spoiler available. It is always fun to talk with friends about anime and even read Mangas, so maybe you should try it sometime.


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