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Christmas Tree

Christmas trees are there with us every holiday season. Every year kids enjoying going out and trying to find the absolute, most perfect one and get to go home and decorate it with shiny lights and ornaments. Surprisingly, there Is a lot of information to know about Christmas trees that most people probably don’t know. Christmas trees were first introduced to us in the sixteenth century if you can believe it! Unlike now were most people go buy a tree, you would have to go chop it down yourself which some people still do today, consider it a tradition.

Everybody gets Christmas trees at different times but, no matter what you want to be able to keep your tree as healthy as you can, or at least till Christmas. Getting your tree from a local farm is a good start. Everybody has different ways to keep their trees healthy “I put a formula in the bottom of the tree and if not, the formula we just put water,” said Kate Sembach

On the other hand, other people have different tactics. “We put the tree in a pot to stabilize it then we add water and also add seeds for food,” said Sofia Dittus.

Many Christmas tree places spray their trees with chemical and bad sprays, but you can be safe at a farm where the tree is all fresh. When you buy the tree, another important thing to pay attention to Is the trunk. It’s important no matter what the size to trim the Christmas tree trunk. The reason for this is it helps the tree absorb more water, which will make it live longer. Always a helpful thing to have when owning a Christmas tree is a Christmas tree stand, which always keeps it a level so it’s never leaning which will prevent damage.

In the past years it’s obvious that that the prices of almost everything has gone up including gas, grocery shopping, houses and many more. Christmas tree are also one of the many things that have gone up in price. People have different opinions on what type of tree is worth it to buy, “Real Christmas trees might be expensive, but they are definitely worth it. A real Christmas tree is traditional,” said Ella.

While others said Fake Christmas trees are way better. “You don’t have to sweep up all the pine leaves off the floor and you can reuse it every year,” said Audrey.  A local Christmas tree place you can get, a tree for around one hundred to two hundred dollars. Fake trees are even more expensive and most of the nice kinds can cost up to one thousand to two thousand dollars. If you can believe it, Christmas trees from fresh farms cost about the same from a Christmas tree from a normal shop where they spray it with chemicals and pesticides. This year Christmas trees have gone up in price by about ten percent because of shipping costs and supply and demand issues.

Next time you go to buy a Christmas tree hopefully you will think about these things, and they might help you decide what and what no to buy to have the best Christmas you possibly can.

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