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The Predator

Best Holiday Traditions

The holidays are the time of the year where everyone spreads joy, though everyone celebrates the holidays differently. The holidays are the time of the year where everyone spreads joy, though everyone celebrates the holidays differently. For instance, some celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza and so many more! To most what makes the holidays special are spending time with family and friends. Different households celebrate the holidays and winter break differently. The best holiday tradition has been a debate rolling around Landrum for a long time.

The holidays are a time to bring family closer together. Seventh grade student Jordyn Berger said, “On the first night of Hanukah we got to go to my grandma’s house and eat a family dinner.” Jordyn does not get to see her older brother, Ethan a lot. Ethan is currently living in Orlando because he hopes to go pro one day in soccer. She is so excited to see him. She’s said, “…it’s nice to reunite with all the family I haven’t seen.” As a result, this is important to her because she gets to catch up with her family. Jordyn is not the only one who feels this way, her classmate Laine Shapiro agrees.

Landrum students Laine Shapiro and Jordyn Berger both celebrate Hanukah. Some common celebrations of Hanukah are lighting the menorah, making holiday foods, and coming together as a family. For Laine, her favorite tradition is opening presents. “My favorite tradition is opening presents after we have just said our blessings.” She explained how much fun it was and how close it has allowed her family to get over the years.

Many students at Landrum celebrate Christmas, including Reagan Webster. Reagan is the oldest of four kids, so she has a big family Christmas! When asked what her favorite tradition is, she replied, “My favorite holiday tradition is putting up the tree and decorating it with ornaments.” She has so much fun with her siblings picking out ornaments. As they’re putting up the tree, they look back at family ornaments over the years and it reminds them of all that they must be thankful for.

Another student who celebrates Christmas is Audrey Rosendahl, Audrey is another seventh-grade student. She quoted “My favorite holiday is going to the Mini Donut bar with my family and taking pictures with Santa.” This is important to Audrey, and her family because she also has a big family with two little brothers. Her and her older siblings get so much joy watching her little siblings so happy. She also can’t say no to donuts!

Mrs. Lazarides is a sixth grade and seventh grade language arts teacher here at Landrum. Most of the students know her as Mrs. Laz. She is many students’ favorite teacher and is a mom to two boys as well. When asked what her favorite tradition is, she replied, “My favorite tradition is opening our holiday advent calendar.” She said this was her favorite tradition because her boys get so excited to see what Santa put in each day. It also helps keep their behavior under control.

All things considered, everyone loves the holidays for various reasons. Some include opening presents, bonding with family and enjoying the time off. Moreover, we hope everyone here at Landrum has a wonderful holiday break.


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