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The Predator

Weirdest/Coolest Christmas Present You Have Ever Received

For many years, Christmas presents have been a tradition. Sometimes, these presents are a bit unexpected. From lollipops with bugs in it, to tickets to concerts, these presents can get a bit out of hand. There is always that one Christmas present that is a little bit different from the others, but can really make someone’s day, at least for some people.

Imagine you were told you would be getting bugs for Christmas. Seems like a joke, right? Well not for Reagan Webster. She stated that “My grandparents like to get us really weird things and they got us lollipops with dead bugs inside of them.” She had a scorpion in hers and screamed as she threw it out. This doesn’t seem like the typical Christmas present, but now Reagan always has funny story to tell on how weird her Christmas present was.

Christmas presents don’t necessarily have to be weird to be interesting. In fact, they can be very cool and surprising. For example, getting tickets to a Taylor Swift concert! Laine Shapiro got exactly this. She said that “It was really surprising because the tickets were really hard to get.” Even though it was an early present, it was still fun to receive. Laine is thrilled to be able to go to the concert with her family and cousins.

When you think back to the presents you got for Christmas as a little kid, do you think about decapitated unicorns? Or do you think of stuff more like bracelets and stuffed animals? Well, Riley Edenfield got the weird side of things. Riley says that “I got a unicorn that you could decapitate and turn it into a bracelet.” Riley wore this bracelet everywhere even though it wasn’t the most ideal gift. Even the strangest presents can become our favorites.

In conclusion, Christmas presents come in many ways, weather they are the craziest gift ever, or the most absurd thing you have ever seen, we will always remember them. Even if they are gross.

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