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The Predator

Holiday changes at LMS

The Holidays are coming, and Landrum is completely ready! Although the holidays will be different this year, students will be making it up with holiday spirit! Through dress-up days, decorations and gifting this unpredictable year is going to make a turn for the best. See student’s and staff’s views on how they will adjust and celebrate 2020 holidays!

“I feel like there’s going to be a lot less traveling and a lot less family, all around it’s just going to be limited. I feel like people are going to try to have a big Christmas to make up for the past months,” said Madalyn Martin (7th Grade Student).

Usually, the holiday season is for traveling and being with family. But because of this year’s circumstances it’s going to be quite different. Even though we have the corona virus there are still some students planning on traveling. Though, most students feel that it’s safer and more responsible to stay home with only close family.

“They’ll clean to make sure it’s all safe for the students when we get back. But at this point we just have to trust that people are going to follow the CDC guidelines, and that falls on each individual’s family. But what our school’s been doing so far has been pretty affective,” said Dean Grall.

The school has set up even more cleaning for while we’re on break. Shorter Wednesdays for necessary cleaning of the campus will help lower causes of spreading germs. Although they are planning on ending these shorter days when the semester ends.

“A lot of people could get quarantined or we could all get sent home,” said 8th grade student, Lauren Wilde.

Many students have been quarantined due to exposure or contact tracing, but with everyone leaving for 15 days (Winter Break, December 19th to January 4th ) cases at school could go up if students and staff don’t take precautions over the break. This could lead to many students being quarantined. Or, if the worst happens, we’d have to close the school for at least 2 weeks. That’s a lot of zoom calls!

“I went to St. Johns Center to go shopping but I probably should’ve done online,” said Madalyn Martin.

Obviously, the holidays are prime time for shopping and gifting for friends and family- but one of the big questions for 2020 is will it continue to be this way? We interviewed many students who gave us a few different answers such as which option they believe is safest.

“I think shopping in person would be safe as long as it follows CDC guidelines. I usually do online,” said LMS 7th grader, Sam Gore.

It’s important to make sure that you follow the guidelines wherever you may travel to- whether it’s the Town Center or the grocery store. With Black Friday shopping ending, that was a good glimpse of

what shopping will be like this December. Now, as crowds were packed, we may see a rise in COVID-19 cases depending on how many people go in stores for shopping, although we’ll just have to wait and see.

“The school is doing the two dress up days, on the two Wednesdays. And I think at this point it’s the most that we can do since we can’t have any big assemblies. I think right now that’s going to be the new normal,” said Dean Grall.

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